Anthony Hawkins Obituary – An Albuquerque, New Mexico family is grieving the untimely death of a loved father and family member. Anthony Hawkins, Gail Hawkins’s beloved and devoted son, died on Saturday night, November 18, 2023, from what seemed to be a suicide. A family acquaintance claims that Tony committed suicide and was pronounced dead. “Our sweetest brother, Anthony Hawkins, took his own life last night. We share the tragic news of his passing with our New Life City family with heavy hearts.
We adored Anthony a lot. He was a beloved member of our church and played a significant role in many of our relationships as a brother, father, uncle, friend, and supporter. We are incredibly saddened by this tragic death. Though we sorrow, hope still exists for us. Our savior and center of attention is Jesus.We respectfully ask that you please do not contact the Hawkins family during this trying time, as they need time and space to mourn and grieve. Please spread the love of Jesus, show compassion for others, and pray for Anthony’s family and friends.
In the upcoming days, the family will participate in a meal train, so we will band together as a family to assist our loved ones at this extremely trying time. Anthony had a vital role in the life of New Life City Church as a friend, supporter, brother, father, uncle, and son, among other roles. New Life City is extremely devastated by this terrible loss.
Anthony Hawkins attended the University of New Mexico and La Cueva High School. He had lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for a long period. At this moment, the entire Christian community in Albuquerque is grieving with the family of the loving father. Gail, who is clearly upset and grieving about her son’s passing, wrote